Add-ons are additional services that can be added to your basic treatment. They can help to improve the results of your treatment and make it more enjoyable.
Extraction is a procedure that removes blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities from the skin. It can help to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce the risk of acne breakouts.
A mask is a topical treatment that is applied to the skin to improve its appearance. Masks can be hydrating, exfoliating, or clarifying. They can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Steam is a treatment that uses hot water vapor to open up the pores of the skin. This can help to remove impurities from the skin and make it more receptive to other treatments.
Improved skin appearance
Reduced risk of acne breakouts
Hydrated, exfoliated, or clarified skin
Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
How it works:
Extraction is performed by a licensed esthetician using a variety of tools, such as comedone extractors and forceps. Masks are applied to the skin and left on for a specified amount of time. Steam is applied to the skin using a steamer or hot towel.